App Manager Overview

Apps App Manager App Manager Overview

In addition to its remarkable features, native infrastructure, high-speed performance, and stunning design, OneCMS apps offer a unique capability that sets them apart.

You can dynamically reconfigure your app to create a completely distinctive design and feature set that aligns perfectly with your brand. The best part? None of these changes necessitate re-submitting the app to the app stores; they are instantly visible when your audience next opens the app. Let’s dive right in!

App Manager

The App Manager houses all the fundamental components of your app. To access it, navigate to Mobile App -> App Manager.

app manager menu link

Upon entering the App Manager dashboard, you’ll find it is defined by two sections:

  • A left-side menu detailing the various areas of the app that you can customize.
  • On the right, the detail pane where you will configure all of the fields for each section.

app manager

We’ll be covering the various features of the App Manager in the following tutorials.
