Generating Podcast Scripts

AI Tools Podcasting Tools Generating Podcast Scripts

Everyone possesses unique passions, whether it’s gardening, car restoration, or music. However, many need help articulating these interests effectively.

OneCMS AI addresses this gap by empowering creators to script their podcasts just by answering a few questions about what they want to talk about

To access the Script Generator, click the AI Script link in the navbar while within your podcast.

a- script link


Alternatively, you can access it from the side admin menu within the Podcast menu.

ai script menu link


You’ll be brought to the script creator. On the left side of the screen, there are fields you can fill out to give OneCMS AI a better understanding of the episode you are generating a script for. On the right side is where your script will be generated.



Simply fill out the fields with the basics of what your episode will be about. Not all fields are mandatory, but the more information you provide, the better the script will match your anticipated episode.

ai script filled out


If you have any guests joining you in the episode, enter their names (comma separated) in the ‘Guests‘ field. OneCMS AI will generate anticipated comments from them to help you prepare.

script guests


You can also choose to emulate the style of popular speakers or podcasters using the dropdown. Additionally, you can set a specific tone for the script (e.g., happy, excited) to match your desired delivery.

style / tone dropdowns


Finally, you can set the desired length of the script in minutes.

script length


Once all the fields have been filled out, click the Generate Script button, after a few moments, your script will be generated.

generate script



At the bottom of the script, you’ll find a chatbox and several buttons. Using the chatbox, you can collaborate with OneCMS AI to refine the script to your liking.  You can also regenerate the script and download the script as a text file to use or edit outside of OneCMS.


If the script is to your liking, you can put the screen into teleprompter mode and begin recording your podcast using the screen as your teleprompter.

teleprompter mode


You can always access previously created scripts from the left panel. You have the option to view the scripts and download them using the buttons to the right of the script name.

script history
